Saturday, November 13, 2010

Review for "Everything is Wonderful"

On Wednesday night the world got a little better, everybody on it got a little happier you see Wonder Man appeared on the Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes.

What I liked: There keeping things with the comic book lore. Simon is still head of Williams Innovations, the Reaper is his brother, speaking of which I loved the interaction between the Reaper and Simon. Simon trashing Iron Man was badass as well.

What I loved: They played Simon as a straight villain-of-the-week if I wasn't familiar with the comic book story I would have assumed this episode was the origin for just another villain. You can call me a softee but I also really liked the "Tony's an unethical buisness man... oh wait" subplot. I thought it was cool.

What I hated: Nick Fury being Jack Fury's son?!!? I would have been okay with a "S.H.E.I.L.D. technology keeps me alive"in the previous episode they had Baron Zemo being kept alive the same way (ironicly his comic book origin is the father thing).

A or 8 out of 10

Good episode, better show.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Wonder Man Toys

Surprisingly there have been quite a bit of Wonder Man toys despite the characters somewhat obscurity.

This toy came out as a tie-in to the late 90's Avengers series. Wonder Man was in the show in the first few episodes but the Vision beat the ionic energy out of him and Wonder Man was stuck in a coma for the rest of the series. It wasn't that bad.

This is part of a great series of toys put out by Marvel, Marvel Legends, I like this one, but I don't understand where the weird bike came from, doesn't he have a jet pack?

This is another cool Marvel Legends of Wonder Man in his energy form, it's cool but not the most original toy out there.

Stick around, we're having statues tomorrow!!!

Those are some Wonderings about Wonder Man!


Sunday, November 7, 2010

Wonder Man's Upcoming Appearance on Avengers EMH

This looks very cool, I'm willing to bet they'll kill Wondy off by the end of the episode and bring him back in a later episode in his jacket costume.

Those are some Wonderings on Wonder Man!

This Blog's Purpose

Wonder Man, a somewhat under appreciated hero, essentially written off as Marvel's Superman rip-off, but those who love and appreciate the character know how much more he is than that. This blog's main (but not sole purpose) is to talk about the character, what's going on with him in comics at the moment, his appearances in other media, statues, toys, and random Wondy goodness. Depending on the ammount of response I get to the blog, it will becoming out with new posts regularly, if I get a huge response you'll be seeing new posts daily, medium, every two days, and so on. It'll be similar to other character based blogs like the Aquaman Shrine, Firestorm Fan, and I am the Phantom Stranger. Feel free to comment!

Those are some Wonderings about Wonder Man!